The Center for Research in Psychology (CIP) is an R&D Unit of the Autonomous University of Lisbon, established in the academic year 2001-2002 within the scope of the R&D activities of the Department of Psychology.In the 2013-2017 Research Units Evaluation contest, this R&D Unit was accredited and obtained the classification of Goodand therefore started to be funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
In 2018, a Collaboration Protocol was drawn up with the University of Algarve (Participating Institution/Management Unit). Good remaining as an FCT accredited and financed Unit.
Since 2005, it has published the scientific journal PSIQUE, which became an online version in 2013.
Within the scope of the Research Line, Psychosocial Vulnerability and Unstable Contexts, CIP has been developing several R&D projects and establishing protocols with different Higher Education Institutions, and/or national and foreign research units
The CIP's motivation focuses on the study of the psychosocial vulnerability of the individual / group, which presupposes an understanding of the bio-psycho-socio-anthropological and noetic contexts that, positively or negatively, influence behavior and the way-of-being-in-the-world. person/group world. Research focused on the different facets of vulnerability and the respective triggering and/or protective factors, increases the ability to intervene, prevent and enhance the conditions of self-organization and complexification of the social being, inserted in a global world.
The CIP line of research is operationalized through individual or collective research projects

training offer
The Degree in Psychology has as its philosophy the experiential pedagogical principles, hands-on, underlying the Bologna guidelines and the training requirements to practice the profession of psychologist, according to the Portuguese Psychologists Association. Thus, the interconnection between the theoretical concepts presented and their practical application (eg in specific contexts and in community institutions) is privileged, promoting contact with situations of the professional future, respecting, however, the characteristics of a 1st study cycle >>>
The Master's in Clinical and Counseling Psychology (2nd cycle of studies), fundamental for the professional practice of Psychology, allows master's students to deepen theoretical knowledge related to the understanding of the Human Being and its problems, as well as to develop specific skills of psychological intervention in the various scopes of action (eg in the clinical practice of helping and counseling relationships; in multiple professional situations in which relational skills are crucial, such as team management, institutional or professional relationship management; in psychological assessment; in psychodiagnosis) > >>
News & Events
Individual Differences in the Psychological Functioning of University Students: A Study in a Pandemic Context
Investigators: Odete Nunes (IR), Rute Brites, Tânia Brandão, Maria Antónia Ross, Edite Oliveira, João Hipólito