A call for tender is open for the attribution of a Research Grant (BI) within the scope of the R&D institution, Research Center in Psychology – CIP, of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, with the reference UIDB/04345/2020, with financial support from FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC)
Research Grant (BI) (1 vacancy) 2021
Admission requirements:
Master's degree in the scientific area of Psychology, with specialization of an academic nature using research activity. Enrollment in a PhD in the field of Psychology or similar (at the time of hiring, the selected candidate must prove his or her enrollment in a PhD).
Eligibility of candidates: applicants must meet the eligibility conditions provided for in article 9 of the FCT IP Research Grant Regulation (2019).
preference criteria
– Master's in Psychology with a minimum final grade of 16;
– Proven research experience, namely through scientific publications;
– Researcher registered with the FCT;
– Fluency in English (in writing, preferably native english);
– Skills at the management level websites.
Work plan
– Collaboration in CIP research projects;
– Assistance in managing the site of the CIP;
– Collaboration in the elaboration of the scientific journal Psyche;
– Preparation of scientific articles.
Applicable legislation and regulations
The scholarship is awarded under Law Nº. 40/2004, of 18 August, updated by Decree-Law no. in force https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml.pt
The work will be carried out in person at the premises of the CIP – Center for Research in Psychology, of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Rua de Santa Marta, 47, 3º andar, gab. 304, under the guidance of Professor Odete Nunes.
Duration of the scholarship(s)
Duration of 6 months, starting on May 1, 2021, possibly renewable.
Amount of monthly maintenance allowance
The amount of the scholarship corresponds to €1074.64 according to the table of values of the scholarships awarded directly by FCT, IP in the Country (https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores)
selection methods
Three candidates who meet the admission requirements and according to the preference criteria will be considered for interview. The selection will result from an overall assessment based on the following considerations: curriculum assessment (50%), interview (40%); motivation letter (10%). Only candidates with a final grade equal to or greater than 16 will be admitted.
Composition of the Selection Jury
President: Professor Odete Nunes; Effective members: Professor Dr Rute Brites and Professor João Hipólito. Alternate member: Professor Sandra Figueiredo.
Publication/notification of results
Candidates admitted for interview are invited by email. The final results of the evaluation will be published, through a list ordered by final grade obtained, in a public place on the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa website (www.autonoma.pt), and the successful candidate will be notified by email. All candidates will be notified of the decision by email.
Application deadline and form of submission of applications
The contest is open from 9 March to 9 April 2021.
Applications must be formalized, mandatorily, by sending an application letter accompanied by the following documents: Curriculum vitae details that prove the candidate's experience (in Ciencia Vitae model), copy of the qualifications certificate and motivation letter. Applications must be submitted by e-mail to the e-mail cip@autonoma.pt, and must include the contest reference in the Subject field BI_2021_3UIDB/04345/2020.
Failure to submit any of the documents required in the application is grounds for exclusion.
Complaint deadline
After the final decision, and notification to the candidates, it must be taken within 15 working days, or appeal to the highest executive body of the funding entity within 30 working days.
More information here
The call for a Research Grant (BI) was held within the scope of the R&D Unit – Psychology Research Center – CIP with the reference BI _2021_3 UIDB/04345/2020, in the scientific area: Psychological Sciences, specific scientific area: Psychology, with FCT/MCTES funding.
An application has been received. After evaluating the CV and the motivation letter, the candidate Fernanda Lyrio Heinzelmann was selected for the interview phase.
After conducting the interview, the jury classified the candidate based on the following parameters: curriculum evaluation (50%), interview (40%); motivation letter (10%). The results are as follows:
Fernanda Lyrio Heinzelmann: 80.5%
The candidate was selected for the Research Fellowship.