On Thursday 30th of june 2022, from 12:00 to 13:30 (Portuguese time), the EurofamNet open hybrid seminar “Child and Family Support in Europe: An innovative framework will be held. As indicated, the seminar/webinar will be held in person and on-line, far those who wish to attend via videoconference. The event is hosted by the COST Action 18123 European Family Support Network (EurofamNet), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

In this edition, the ‘Building Knowledge Exchange’ section of EuroFamNet, which conducts these seminars/webinars, will be dedicated to sharing the results of EuroFamNet’s Working Group 2 (WG2). WG2 is entitled “Developing the European conceptual framework on family support” and will share the results developed during the course of the project, which facus on the conceptual framework far family support at European level.
The presentation of these results will be fallowed by the participation of relevant respondents related to the tapie. After them the audience will have the possibility to interact with all the speakers.
Hoping it could be of interest to you, we look farward to seeing you. Please pass this infarmation on to anyone you think might be interested.


